I was a little stressed out so I called up Jim to see if he wanted to do a little pizza/cavs. He's a good friend.

Smokin' Joe's, half of the Hounddog's pizza empire, dominates the pizza scene in the North Campus area. Anything south of Arcadia and North of 17th Ave is Hounddogs territory. Beyond these streets we would go Gatto's and Flying, respectively. It's a little strange subjecting this to review because we eat it almost weekly. I've had some incredible pizza there, both really good and really bad. When you go is key, unfortunately.

I don't want to be mean, but it can be pretty shitty sometimes. This trip there was some cheesy LA punk band doing sound check. I cannot express how annoying they were, but I guess it is better than the usual stream of Rage Against the Machine, Jane's Addiction, and Fugazi. The TV was broken by our seat so no Cavs.

Crust- chewy, sweet, garlicky, and good. tonight it was slightly dry, but still solid.
Sauce- we always get spicey. That's just what it was. Lots of TANG...
Cheese- weak point of the pie, but still good. tons of it. kinda flavorfu.
Peps- Very good. Nice variation of crisp v. chewy. Spiced and salty. Excellent.
Usually this place is really good. However I have had the second worst pizza of my life at Hounddogs. Tonight was good though. A very solid 4 out of 5 from a Columbus institution. It hit the spot.
Of Note:
Ravari room is excellent on weeknights and on Fridays before 9pm. Dollar beers man!!!